A Cat’s Eye View of Possession

- The most comfortable chair in the house is quite naturally mine.
- The fresh salmon you are preparing is obviously for me.
- If there is praise to be had, it concerns me. If complaints are flying about-see the dog.
- The whole house, of course, is mine. I may let you share it.
- How nice. You’ve brought me some tasty titbits of fresh food swimming about in warm water.
- If it’s luxurious, expensive, and preferably tasty, it must be for me.
- If any guests come to visit, it is for the sole purpose of pandering to me.
- The ball of wool attached to whatever it is you are holding must surely be just for me to amuse myself with.
- If it is small and in my house, or my garden, or my neighbourhood, or simply within reach – and it moves – then it’s mine until it doesn’t.
- Once it’s dead, it’s yours.