Book Reviews

Book Reviews are a vital part of promoting books for authors. The top authors need them and depend on them, and even more so the lesser known authors.
Book reviews are long or short written views about an author’s book, often submitted to Amazon or GoodReads etc. They tend to be based on personal opinions from the reader of the book. Did they enjoy the story, were the characters likeable, would they like to read more by the same author? It is important therefore that each book has as many reviews as possible. A book that some might rate as wonderful, could well be considered just about readable by someone else.
Reviews help potential readers to decide whether this book might be just what they are looking for, or if it would be likely to disappoint them.
Beneficial to all readers, reviews can especially help authors to find bigger audiences.
Please leave a review if you have enjoyed a book. It will help your fellow readers, and in particular the author of the book. There is nothing more soul lifting for authors than to see a positive review appear from a happy reader. Write what the book made you feel, what you loved about it, what you think could have been improved. Or just write “Great book!”, or “I enjoyed this.” To write anything is enough, and always greatly appreciated.