420 High Christmas by Gary Winstead.
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A lovely Christmas book by J. Craig Williams and Christine B. Williams.
Written by Lynne North and illustrated by Jack Foster. Christmas is the most exciting and busiest time of the year. All the elves are hard at work making toys for Father Christmas, and Bodo the Chief Inventor Elf is desperately thinking up new ideas for this year’s special toys. He loves the work, but someone else isn’t quite so happy. Luka is jealous. He is sure he could invent much better toys than Bodo, so decides Bodo should be out of the way. But wouldn’t that spoil Christmas for everyone? Luka finds out too late that he might not have…
Have you discovered the site ‘Jigsaw Planet’ yet? They provide free jigsaw puzzles for you to play online. You can change the difficulty of each puzzle by amending the number of pieces it uses. Crimson Cloak Publishing have jigsaw puzzles on this site based on our book covers. Hope you like them! Links will continue to appear in our newsletters. Follow the link here to try this one based on Bill Hunt’s book, One Bright Night.
**This book is intended for mature readers only. Standalone Story. No Cliffhangers.** Buy here on Amazon
Ishkabibble is a monster afraid of the sound in his closet. When he meets a human afraid of monsters, is there really anything to be afraid of after all? Ishkabibble is a fun rhyming story about overcoming fears and making new friends. Buy here on Amazon
The story Jacqueline, while fictitious, is based on a friendship the author had during the mid-1960s. The sequence of events that appear as diary entries of 1965 and 1966 are factual and form the basis of the story. The rest of the narrative is pure fiction. The character Jacqueline portrays the author’s friend who tragically did take her own life in 1978. While the character name Jacqueline is not the name of the author’s friend, the story is written with a heartfelt memory of her. Buy here on Amazon
Meet Stella the Gorilla, a zany mom who, throughout her family’s adventures, embodies a strong female role model who embraces diversity. Stella’s family includes seven awesome children who vary in appearance, but not in heart. STEM BONUS: In this adventure, the reader learns to count by two’s and play a STEM game! Buy here on Amazon
Dubbed “Professor Marvel,” a popular black male professor at a predominantly white women’s college stresses over the comparison made between him and the Kansas charlatan turned Wizard of Oz. His dubiousness is confirmed when he succumbs to the charms of a student, an aspiring fashion model. Meanwhile, he keeps a secret affair with an older feminist colleague. The she-it hits the fan when her estranged husband becomes jealous and challenges him to a fistfight. Certain he’ll be blamed when the man’s pacemaker explodes, Professor Marvel takes flight. His prior indiscretion catches up to him when he discovers the fashion model…
Love the adventure. Survive the quest. If you decide to brave this Crimson Cloak Quest you will find yourself on a pirate ship bound for Bone Island in search of Evil Eye Bart’s treasure. By chance you find a map to guide you, but it gives you no real idea of the danger and death defying perils that await you on your journey and on the island itself. You begin your quest with little to help you, but if you make your choices with care you might be lucky. You will face many strong adversaries, determined to end your quest…