Funny Facts
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. (I wouldn’t get too close to check this)
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. (I wouldn’t get too close to check this)
It will soon be Halloween everyone, one of the most important dates in witches calendars. Though we celebrate Halloween on 31st October each year, do you know why? Well, here is a brief explanation! Halloween seems to have its roots in the Celtic celebration of Samhain, the last day of the Celtic calendar. Samhain was a Pagan harvest festival celebrated by huge sacred bonfires in honour of the dead, marking the end of the Celtic year and the beginning of a new one. Fire often symbolised the power of the sun, or served as a defence against…
Brains are amazing things, but it would help if everyone used one…
It’s not big and it’s not clever to practice your barking at 4am. If Master glances at his watch and stands up, it doesn’t have to mean walkies. Every tin does not contain dog food. The cat is allowed in the house too. Wet, muddy dogs are not allowed on the furniture. It isn’t polite to leave your dinner so that you’re not too full to beg what you can from Master’s dinner first. Barking at people as an afterthought when they’ve been in the house for half an hour is very stupid. Just because someone is eating doesn’t mean…
“Goosey, Goosey Gander” is a traditional English nursery rhyme from the late 18th century. The more I read of nursery rhymes, the more cruel they seem to become! Although there is no exact evidence of this, it is believed that the origins of Goosey, Goosey Gander date back earlier to the 16th century, during King Henry VII’s reign, and it was used as propaganda of the Protestants against the Catholic Church. The title and first line of the song might also refer to the march of Cromwell’s soldiers in “goose-step”, in the mid 17th century, after the Civil War. The…
It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. Try it!
Every day brings a new beginning. Make the most of them all.
The thing on the perch is not a feathered kebab. The entire world does not revolve around you. Hearing purring doesn’t deaden your slave’s pain as your claws dig into their leg. Mangled, gory, quivering presents are not really appropriate. The purpose of having 9 lives is not to see how quickly you can use them up. Staring at the swimmy thing will not make it leap out of the tank. If you lose your bell, you’ll just be fitted with another. Killing shouldn’t really be at the top of your ‘Fun Things to do’ list. There are not enough…
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe,She had so many children she didn’t know what to do.So she gave them some broth without any bread,And she whipped them all soundly and sent them to bed. This rather cruel nursery rhyme, which dates back to eighteenth-century England, has a few suggested meanings. The most often quoted refers allegedly to the English Parliament—who is the old woman. The shoe is England itself. If you look at the map of the island of Great Britain and turn it 90 degrees clockwise, you can see very clearly that the island resembles…
When you are told not to give up your dreams, it isn’t encouragement to go back to sleep but to try harder!