Funny Facts
The duck-billed platypus has no stomach at all. Their food goes straight from their gullet to their intestines. Honest!
The duck-billed platypus has no stomach at all. Their food goes straight from their gullet to their intestines. Honest!
Do you sometimes wonder if the life you are living right now is because you didn’t forward that email to 10 people?
Have you discovered the site ‘Jigsaw Planet’ yet? They provide free jigsaw puzzles for you to play online. You can change the difficulty of each puzzle by amending the number of pieces it uses. Crimson Cloak Publishing have jigsaw puzzles on this site based on our book covers. Hope you like them! Links will continue to appear in our newsletters. Follow the link here to try this one based on Lynne North’s book, Caution: Witch in Progress.
A DOGGY DICTIONARY ‘NO’ Means, if you give them ‘that look’, put your head on one side and make a cute noise, you can do it. ‘LEAD’ Is a length of leather or chain than lets you take your owners where you want to go. ‘DEAFNESS’ A malady that affects you if told to do something you don’t like. ‘SIT’ or ‘SHAKE PAW’ has the same meaning. Play thick for a while, and then you will be well rewarded when complying with the words. ‘DOG BED’ Is anything extremely comfortable that you can get away with lying on. ‘STAY’ Means…
Dubbed “Professor Marvel,” a popular black male professor at a predominantly white women’s college stresses over the comparison made between him and the Kansas charlatan turned Wizard of Oz. His dubiousness is confirmed when he succumbs to the charms of a student, an aspiring fashion model. Meanwhile, he keeps a secret affair with an older feminist colleague. The she-it hits the fan when her estranged husband becomes jealous and challenges him to a fistfight. Certain he’ll be blamed when the man’s pacemaker explodes, Professor Marvel takes flight. His prior indiscretion catches up to him when he discovers the fashion model…
We have coloring pages based on each of our books free to download from a link on the Freebies page of our website. Check them out here Here is one of them to start you off!
Shi-tzu “Oh Daarling. Just get on with it, but please do it quietly and don’t disturb my beauty sleep. Border Collie Into that corner, now, over there. Stay in line. DO AS YOU’RE TOLD!” Rottweiler “Oh yes. Come on in. Make my day punk.” Labrador Are you going to play with me? Are you, huh? Will you? Will you, huh? Will you??! Hound Dog ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Pointer “I see a burglar, look, he’s there. Look! There, right there!” Greyhound “If he doesn’t have floppy ears, and isn’t running, what’s the point of chasing him?” Poodle “You’d better not ruffle my new…
ARIES Speeding red sports car passing all lines of traffic to lead the way. TAURUS Stubbornly determined driver in a sensible car ensuring no-one can pass but refusing to go any faster. GEMINI Driver gesturing with both hands in the air, both feet on the accelerator, head turned to talk to someone in the back seat . CANCER Moody driver snapping at kids in the back, wishing they could be a million miles away somewhere peaceful. LEO Egotistical driver checking hair, face, gorgeousness in the mirror as they drive an expensive car. VIRGO Driving very carefully and precisely, but still able…
1) An Aquarium makes a perfect interactive Playstation game for your cat. 2) Cats always know exactly how you are feeling. They don’t care, but they know. 3) A cat’s wisdom is far superior to that of any ancient Philosopher, and they have been worshipped for just as long. 4) Cats know from instinct exactly what time their owners want to wake up. They wake them up about an hour sooner. 5) If something is on the floor, it’s a cat toy. If it looks suitable but isn’t on the floor yet, it soon will be. 6) Though some people…