Words to Make You Think
You will enjoy life much more if you learn to live in the moment.
You will enjoy life much more if you learn to live in the moment.
Don’t waste time by only appreciating a moment when it becomes a memory.
When you write, remember to include the things that should never be forgotten.
You should never have to tear yourself into pieces to keep those around you happy.
You won’t go far wrong if you become the person your dog sees you to be.
You could be just one decision away from a completely different future.
You control your own life. Let yourself be happy as often as you can.
You will only be truly young once, but you can be immature all your life.
When your life begins to feel like an exam you haven’t studied for, remember you can’t do everything! Be proud of what you can do.
Many things shouldn’t be thought about too deeply. All you’ll achieve is to find problems that were not there in the first place.