Dogs Make the Best Pets

1. They’re incredibly loyal. It’s no wonder a 40% of dog owners admitted they tell their dogs everything – we know we can trust them to be there for us!
2. Their positive attitude is infectious. Dogs get so excited over the simplest things – sticks, discarded food wrappers, a trip to the corner shop – that they make you appreciate the little things in life. No one can be sad with a waggy-tailed friend around.
3. They’re good at cuddles.
There isn’t much in life that beats a night on the sofa, snuggled up with a cup of tea in hand and your arm round a snoozing pooch.
4. They make you active – even when you really, really can’t be bothered to go for a stroll, the necessity of ‘walkies’ means you’ve just got to get out there. And you always feel glad that you’ve had the exercise.
5. They do their business outside. Unlike cats, you don’t need to keep a litter box inside when you own a dog – although you will find yourself constantly carrying around poo bags!
6 They love you back.
Scientists have discovered that dogs release the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin when interacting with humans. We always knew they loved us too!
7. They’re always happy when you get home. While teenagers might greet you with a grunt when you arrive back from the office, your dog will be positively beside itself at your arrival.
8. They make you chat to people. Any dog owner will know that walking your pet is a sure fire way to start conversations with fellow animal lovers. In a world where people are increasingly isolated, that’s a wonderful thing.
9. They make sure no food ever goes to waste. If you’re full up from dinner but can’t stand the thought of tipping any leftovers into the rubbish, your furry little dustbin is always on hand to help.
10. They make you laugh. Whether they’re accidentally doing a backward roll off the sofa or giving you the beady eye as you scoff down a bacon sandwich without offering them any, dogs will constantly have you chuckling at their antics. And nothing beats a bit of laughter.