
Locating anything underground, whether buried utilities, metal, or even water, is a complex task. While today’s utility locating involves using sophisticated equipment, locating underground objects has a long history.
The ancient technique of using dowsing rods to find underground objects is still used by some today. But how do people use them, and is it possible that they could work?
Dowsing, or water witching, refers to the act of using two L-shaped instruments, e.g. Hazel twigs, one held in each hand, in an attempt to discover the position of something underground. That something can range from water to underground utilities, and sometimes even extend to hidden objects or archaeological structures. Dowsing rods work mainly on a simple “yes/no” technique. The rods could turn inwards to indicate that you are above the object you are seeking, and out towards your shoulders to indicate that you are not.
The origins of dowsing trace back as far as the Greeks in the mid-fifth century. Herodotus reported the use of wooden Y-shaped forks for finding water. By the 16th century, Georgius Agricola, a German mineralogist and writer, recorded dowsing rods being used to find metal ore deposits in his book De Re Metallica. His book described the practice of dowsing as “…wizards, who also make use of rings, mirrors, and crystals, seek for veins with a divining rod shaped like a fork: but its shape makes no difference for it is not the form of the twig that matter, but the wizard’s incantations which it would not become me to repeat.” Often associated with the unexplained, dowsing transitioned from being regarded as a form of medieval witchcraft to a rational art form that could be learned. In the 1980s a large-scale experiment was conducted in Germany with over 500 self-proclaimed dowsing experts. A large, two story barn with a large pipe filled with water was moved back and forth on the ground floor while the dowsers occupied the second floor, tasked with determining the water’s position in the pipe below. The study’s organizers determined that the experiment proved that dowsing worked. However, when subjected to additional scrutiny the results proved the opposite. The organizers had picked out just the few dowsers who had been luckiest, suggesting that while they were skilled dowsers, the other participants did not make the grade. So where does this leave us? Dowsing works, but only insofar as it confirms what we already know or suspect. With no other options, it may be good enough to find water when used by someone with knowledge of the local terrain.
“Water dowsing” refers in general to the practice of using a forked stick, rod, pendulum, or similar device to locate underground water, minerals, or other hidden or lost substances, and has been a subject of discussion and controversy for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Is there a difference between dowsing and divining? Dowsing, also called “divining” or “witching,” refers to the practice of observing a pointer — often a forked stick, rods, bent wires, or a pendulum — move in response to some type of influence or transmitter. Some consider it a reliable method for locating underground items of interest, including water, oil, and ore.
Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, claimed radiations, gravesites, malign “earth vibrations” and many other objects and materials without the use of scientific apparatus.
Put simply, dowsing rods respond to the user’s accidental or involuntary movements. The scientific evidence shows that dowsing is no more effective than random chance. It is therefore regarded as a pseudoscience.
What to do? To begin move your hand away from the bottom of the pendulum and ask simple questions like ‘Is my name…’ or ‘Do I live in…’ and see how your pendulum reacts to those yes and no questions. Some pendulums will make wide circular movements in response to ‘yes’ and backward or forward swings in response to ‘no’. Take note of what yours does.
A pendulum works by tapping into your intuition and sixth sense. The pendulum acts as a form of receiver and transmitter, from your higher guidance, guardian angels and spiritual teachers. As the pendulum moves, you gain answers in response to questions – it is best suited to use in order to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. You could even ask what reply you can expect for ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ before you begin. Whichever way it swings or moves for each answer could be your indication of how the answers to your questions will represent themselves.
A pendulum is simply a tool. It doesn’t have magical powers that can work out of your inner soul. However, pendulums made of copper, silver or crystal carry certain vibrations that play a very important role in the process of Pendulum Dowsing.
When we ask a question, our unconscious mind responds by influencing the nerve endings in our fingers. As the pendulum moves, you gain answers in response to your questions. It also depends on you how you are connecting yourself with it. However, in any form of divination, using a pendulum involves a certain degree of faith, belief, and an open mind. All the answers come from your intuition and from higher spiritual guides.
Pendulum Dowsing can be used for a number of reasons like:
- Healing purposes.
- To dispel negativity from a room.
- It can help you find lost objects or pets.
- To find water or ley lines (dowsing rods are often used for this too, which work in a similar way to a pendulum).
Pendulum dowsing is a very simple process anyone can apply but knowing better about the process will help to achieve the best results. Before starting the process, choose an accurate pendulum that suits your current situation. Most people choose a Crystal Pendulum. Crystal Quartz has the power to connect with your spiritual mind which helps find desired results.
After you have chosen the right pendulum for you, clean it properly before starting the process. You can clean it with dry sand or keep it under hot or cold water. Even placing it under the moonlight can also work. Once you sense the pendulum is ready, you can begin your questioning or searching.
Happy dowsing!