Guest Blog by Gary Winstead!
420 High School
This has been an exciting five years. CCP just published my nineteenth book for which I am exceedingly excited. But this story is about my comic book series which I call 420 High School.
Now some may take offense at the title and the content but the comics are just that, meant for fun. After all, have any of you seen a super hero female who didn’t have bosoms the size of flotation devices.
So have fun and enjoy the read, heck you might even enjoy it and ask for more.
Doobie and ASBeaver are fighting for control of the high school while the teachers spend their time smoking and eating brownies. The students want a well run, fully functioning school while the staff is just like you might expect.
In the first book of the series we meet all the characters and try to decide how the school year will go. There are the usual students, the cheerleaders, the pep squad the nerds and those who just want to have fun.
And there are the teachers. Meet the sleazy teacher who is trying to entice a student-teacher into a not so nice attraction. And wait until you see what the shop teachers are making for a fund raiser.
There is a happy security guard, some football coaches and of course the parents. Let’s us not forget the food service workers as well.
And who will not love the principal, Mrs. Marple. She is so much fun. LOL.
The second book starts with the teachers being challenged to a wrestling match by the coach. It seems the teachers have upset him and he needs to teach them a lesson. Now of course good ole Doobie and ASBeaver are right there, fighting for the rights of both teachers and students.
The cheerleaders are having a secret Santa event and sleazy teacher is at it again.
The third in the series is a wakeup call for the school. It seems Corey Covid who is a new student has just returned from a trip to an unnamed country and will spread the deadly disease unless Doobie and ASBeaver can work together to stop it.
Will the teachers help or hurt? Do they believe in the virus or is it a hoax?
Will ASBeaver and Doobie put aside their differences to keep the kids and faculty safe? So many questions, so little time.
Just a little FYI: Nope never touched the stuff. I am from that generation where we hardly even knew about it. But then I had kids and well, there is that.
Also, for those not familiar with 420, well, hee, hee, ask any teenager, who is not a nerd.
It has been great fun. Now I have to get back to a screenplay based on one of my books from Crimson Cloak Publishing.

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