Guest Blog by Paula Roscoe
10 Things you always wanted to know about Mantras

- We’ve all heard about ‘Mantra’ and ‘positive affirmations’ and ‘healing words’ but do you know why we speak them? Like everything in our world, words have energy. Words can create happiness when we speak of love and togetherness and joy and kindness and compassion, but they can also create feelings of hurt and sadness when we speak words of anger, hatred, evil, attack, powerless etc.
Just notice how you feel on reading those words.
The experiments done on how words can influence objects has been done extensively, such as the plant reaction or the ice flakes.
Take as many plants as you like.
Separate each one so they aren’t close together and assign each one with a word.
Love. Joy. Hate. Fear. Happiness. Panic. Etc
Write the word on the plant pot and every day say those words to the plant with feeling (good acting skills not required!) The simple ritual of speaking the word, some believe that writing the word is enough and there is evidence of that, is enough to influence how that plant thrives or dies.
Can you guess which words cause the plants to thrive?
- Speaking positively to yourself and others projects a positive energy that resonates with our own frequency. If we are consistently putting ourselves down, comparing our life to others, being negative, then it will affect our vibration and we feel and behave in a negative manner. However, uplifting words, showing gratitude for all you have, smiling (a smile goes a long way) has a positive reaction for our minds and body, and spirit.
- OM – It doesn’t have a literal translation but many believe it corresponds to ‘amen’ within the Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Some believe it is the pure sound linking you to universal source. Use this chant when you’re unhappy to help with relaxation or connecting with spirit as it is a sonic harmonic sound. Pronounced ‘A-U-M’. Do seven ‘OM’s’ morning and night to help you relax and link into the universal love and energy. (I do this before every Angel Card Reading)
- AMEN – Meaning ‘So be it’, used throughout Christianity and Jewish religious practices. It originates from Egypt, who worshipped the Sun God, ‘Amen-Ra’ the cosmic life force. It can be used when you would like a specific outcome in a situation, be it a healing, a connection, a specific challenge that you need help with, and at the end of your ‘prayer’ simply say ‘Amen and so be it’.
- SAT NAM – A lovely mantra to speak when you are overcoming emotional upheaval of some kind as it helps you feel empowered. Meaning ‘Truth is thy name’ from the Hindu and Buddhist faiths. Many believe it is best spoken outside, in nature connecting to Mother Earth. Nature, especially trees help you transform the toxic into positive energy aiding in your healing journey. If you have given your power away or you are lacking in self confidence, sit within nature and chant this beautiful mantra. With love.
- I AM, I AM, I AM HERE NOW HERE – It translates as it is read. This powerful chant brings you into the present as we move into the Age of the Aquarius – the age of enlightenment. People use this mantra to release the past and to help them step away from all the toxic people in their life where the energies no longer flow together. It is best to go high up, a hill, mountain or away from people and visualise yourself surrounded by a violet aura as you move away from the negative people in your life. Speak the mantra seven times and see the aura change to gold. YOU are loved and protected by the Universe.
- I’M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU – This beautiful practice known as Ho’oponopono is a gift to yourself and others. An ancient Hawaiian practice, it is used in family feuds, reconciliations and conflicts as they understand that this is human behaviours. It is used to release old patterns of negative behaviour, especially forgiveness to yourself and others who have wronged you. It is not about allowing the behaviour to continue, but releasing yourself from it. The words resonate on a deep level of our consciousness and letting go of any negative emotions release us from those low frequencies that are not helpful.
- OM MANI PADME HUM – A Sanskrit mantra that translates to ‘Praise the Jewel in the Lotus’. Which is lovely but to me doesn’t really invoke any particular need to chant it, until I found that this can be translated as ‘All the wisdom we need is within us’ Meaning the ‘jewel’ is inside us, the ‘Lotus flower’. Much better!
- I AM ENOUGH – Easy enough translation and one that I use a lot. This simple English statement says it all. When we are enough for the world to thrive, then all is good with the world. Another longer version could be, ‘When I do what is right for me, then it is right for everyone’. I am Enough. This mantra can be used when feeling powerless, low esteem, self worth, when you feel overwhelmed by life. Repeat this positive affirmation and know your worth is great and powerful and without you, the world would not be perfect.
- A Mantra can be absolutely anything! A short phrase, a Sanskrit word or a sound – as long as it invokes a sense of calm and positivity then you can say pretty much anything you like! If ‘FK, FK F**K brings you calm, then whose to stop you. It’s a useful and world known word as comedian Billy Connelly will tell you! So go for it. You are your own power and you are here to learn your own path.
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With Love
P.J. Roscoe