Pet Humour

1) Before I decide to live here for a while, do you know how to use a tin opener?
2) Why put a stupid bell around my neck if you aren’t going to come running to see what I want when I ring it?
3) Why do kids have to keep trying to test the ‘always lands on four paws’ theory?
4) What are people I don’t know doing in my house?
5) Do humans really think that they achieve anything by waving their hands about and making strange noises with their mouths?
6) Dogs serve humans, humans serve cats, so why do we have all these dog problems then?
7) I’ll never understand why cats stopped being worshipped as Gods. Those Ancients sure had the right idea.
8) Gosh I’m starving, but I’d better wait a bit longer before I go to look what’s in my dish. I don’t want them getting too confident.
9) I know that it can’t be easy to be one of an inferior species, but oh boy, dogs and humans are sooooo gullible.
10) If we were not here to be served, humans would have no real purpose in their lives.