Words to Make You Think
It’s important to stay positive, but it’s also OK to feel down at times. This is normal and will pass.
It’s important to stay positive, but it’s also OK to feel down at times. This is normal and will pass.
Don’t wait to be struck by an idea. Sit down and force one!
Sharing the love you feel for others will keep Christmas alive in your heart.
Cat urine glows under a black-light. I haven’t personally checked this. If you do, let us know if it is true!
Expensive gifts will not make the best Christmas. Good memories will last longer and mean so much more.
I’ve had my patience tested so many times, I’m now negative.
What you really mean when you say you’ll do something in a minute. Please forget it!
Brains are amazing things, but it would help if everyone used one…
Every day brings a new beginning. Make the most of them all.
Do you sometimes wonder if the life you are living right now is because you didn’t forward that email to 10 people?