The Human Survival Guide to Travelling with your Pet
Here is some light entertainment for those who share their lives with cats or dogs.
1) Preparing your Dog:
He will be happy to travel anywhere with you, as long as you use the magic word “Ta ta’s”
Preparing your Cat:
Your cat DOES NOT like to travel, and will only do so in a box, or in an utter state of turmoil (or both).
2) Getting Your Dog in:
He will joyfully jump into your car because he trusts you. Doesn’t that make you feel guilty since last time he was in the car you were taking him to the vet?
Getting Your Cat in:
If you try to force him in without his box, you will be surprised to find that all 4 of his legs now reach both sides of the door frame at the same time, and his paws have suckers underneath.
3) What to Expect of your Dog:
He will happily grin and drool over your window (and seat and shoulder), pausing only to bark at other dogs going “walkies” rather than “Ta ta’s”
What to Expect of your Cat:
He will spend the whole journey searching mournfully, and loudly, for the cat flap.
4) Taking a Break when Journeying with your Dog:
He will be only too pleased to leap out to do his necessary, smell a few trees, then leap back in. (Check he doesn’t leap into the wrong car though).
Taking a Break when journeying with your Cat:
Not wise to do at all when journeying with your cat. You’ll probably end up carrying on without him.
5) Keeping your Dog Entertained:
He will enjoy your voice if you talk to him as you travel along. Though all he will recognize of course is “Blahblahblah Rex. Blahblah Good Boy blah blah.”
Keeping your Cat Entertained:
Your cat will be making so much fuss and noise in protest at his ill treatment, it’s pointless trying to entertain him. Just keep your distance.
6) Journey’s End With Your Dog:
He will have taken it all in his stride, and left hairs everywhere (not to mention the drool). He will go about his usual doggie activities as if nothing has happened (in fact, he’s probably forgotten that it has).
Journey’s End With Your Cat:
He will give you THAT LOOK, the one that can make the toughest human quiver. He has found the whole business totally nerve wracking, and will NEVER forgive you. Be warned.