The Lives of Dogs and Cats

- Dogs will do anything in their power to make you love them.
- They are so grateful to be fed and given a warm place to sleep.
- If they get toys too, life is complete!
- Their expressions say all you need to know.
- They can’t bear it if they have upset you.
- A Dog will love you for life.
- They try to be near you all the time.
- Your dog will run about, bounce and squirm to see what they’re being fed.
- Life revolves around YOU as your Dog’s owners.
- A Dog will always be your best friend.
- Cats will stay until they decide they can find better slaves.
- The quality of their home and food makes them decide to stay or go.
- They supply their own live toys. The ones you provide are boring.
- They might glance your way every so often.
- Woe betide you if you do anything to upset them.
- A Cat might tolerate you for a while.
- Your Cat will be a ship that passes in the night, unless they’re hungry.
- Your Cat might glance in its food bowl before turning up its nose at your offering.
- Life revolves around your Cat, or they won’t stay for long.
- Cats don’t have friends.