Top Ten Differences between Cats and Dogs:
Light entertainment from your favourite pets…

1) Dogs will play anything you choose, whenever you like, even if they’re tired. Cats will take a long nap, and woe betide you if you disturb them.
2) Dogs prick their ears and tilt their heads on one side when you talk to them, doing their very best to understand. Cats yawn and close their eyes because you’re boring them.
3) Dogs come running when you call them. Cats give you ‘That Look’, and get back to you when they’re good and ready.
4) Dogs give you happy, sloppy kisses when you come home from work. Cats will never forgive you for having left them in the first place.
5) Dogs will sit next to you in the car, wherever you’re going. Cats need forcing into a padded cell to get in there…
6) Dogs might get upset when you give them a bath. Cats begin to carefully plan their revenge.
7) Dogs will bark to wake you up if there may be intruders or any other problems in the middle of the night. Cats will sneak out the back door leaving you to it.
8) Dogs can be trained to bring your paper or slippers. Cats might choose to drop a dead bird at your feet.
9) Dogs are happy to obey and do tricks at your command. Cats give you a wry smirk that says, “Yes…right” and walk away with their noses in the air.
10) Treat a dog well and it will love you forever. Cats will keep count and make you pay for everything you have ever done that they didn’t like.
Love your pets! They will love you back, in their own ways…